Kirk Jones, MS

Kirk Jones, owner of Evolvlove Sound Therapy, is a master sound healer and bioenergy therapist that uses the power of light, sound, and vibration to assist people and planet to heal and harmonize in wholeness.  Twenty years ago, Kirk awakened a memory, an unmistakable resonance with the power and beauty of the rich, ancient tones of bronze singing bowls.  Witnessing the vibrational influences on his spiritual and healing evolution, he chose to learn this sacred science to enhance the lives of others. Through private healing sessions, meditative concerts, restorative yoga classes, and transformational workshops, Kirk has assisted thousands of people on their journeys, bringing great joy, relaxation, pain relief, emotional release, spiritual elevation, peace, and clarity.  Kirk is honored to provide in-person, online, and distance healing sessions, workshops, sound baths, and trainings in vibrational healing across the US and internationally.  See our Registration site for current events.

How does it work?

90% of disease today is caused by “stress”.  Stresses can be mental, emotional, physical, or even etheric/spiritual. The pleasant polyphonic harmonies calm the mind and calm the body.  Stress causes blockages, deficiencies, and excesses in the physical and energetic bodies that these sounds begin to smooth out.  This clearing can be experienced as feeling vibrations, seeing colors and visions, revisiting memories, releasing emotions, dramatic pain relief, sensations may reappear that soon vanish for good, re-awakening, re-energizing, re-balancing, feeling freedom from burden, and total relaxation.  The results are unlimited.  It must be experienced!!

Our Method

Integrating sound healing with energy work, breath work, light work, vocal release, guided movement, ecstatic movement, massage, emotional release, habit and judgement release, and shamanic techniques, our work is truly unique and powerful in a grounding, loving, and supportive way.

Life can be so stressful and even painful.  We provide relief.

Life can be so confusing.  Many ask, “Why are we sick?”  “Why do events keep reoccurring?”  “How can I find balance?” “How can I elevate spiritually?”  “How can I raise my vibration?”  We provide answers.

We all need so much love and support on our paths.  We are honored to provide.


Seeing cancer rates soar through the roof, losing my father to cancer, and nearly my mother, I knew I wasn’t being told the whole story.  After 2 engineering degrees, traveling around the world, and experiencing considerable personal spiritual evolution, I began to be drawn to books and methods that just made sense – piecing together things we should’ve been taught from birth – but we just weren’t ready yet.  Now we are.